Another first at that laundromat....
So I had to do laundry before leaving for LA this weekend. Not uncommon for there to be very few people there on a weeknight, that's why I like to go then. I used to go on the weekends, but too many people fighting for washers and too many odd encounters. Things have been pretty mundane since switching to weeknights, but that's ok for a laundromat experience. Tonight was a bit different. There was only a couple of us doing laundry tonight. There was one woman that was probably about my age with her toddler. While she was folding her clothes, there was a woman I didn't notice come in talking to her. When I walked up to get a basket the woman turns away from the mom and says to me, "are you washing your clothes here?" Well of course I am. Why else would you be at a laundromat? I say "yes." She then proceeds to tell me about how she and her kids are from Tennessee and have been sleeping in a van and have no clothes. She asks me if I have any jeans or other clothes to give her. I tell her no and sorry and walk away. She leaves. After a little while (probably to make sure that the woman is gone) Mom says to me, "That woman asked for my underwear. Can you believe that? I told her I didn't feel comfortable with giving her my underwear. I gave her a pair of my husband's jeans and she asked for a different pair because those wouldn't fit her. There free jeans you can't be picky. I'm not giving her my jeans. I'll give her my husband's jeans." I completely am in concurrance with Mom. You don't give away your underwear and take what you can get lady.
By the way...never saw a van or her kids.
Sick update
So even though I am feeling better, it's very obvious to myself that I am still sick. Colleen wanted to know if I was up for breakfast. Showering was tiring and I had to lay down a bit after my shower. After breakfast I had to take a 2 hour rest before going grocery shopping. After grocery shopping I had to lay down. Now I am off to do the schedule at work. My hope is that by going in tonight, I will get off early tomorrow or take a long lunch to rest. All my energy is zapped. It sucks.
On a happier note...Alan's plane should be landing anytime now! Yippie!
Sick and tired of being sick
So I've been sick since I've been back in Fresno. I worked Friday since I have very few, if any, PTO hours left. It took me almost 7 hours to do less than 4 hours of work because I just couldn't focus. Friday night I laid in bed all night alternating from hot sweats to chills, sneezing to blowing my nose. I spent many hours watching football yesterday. Holy crap! Did Mich St. blow it or what? I stopped watching and just left the TV on mute while I read a book to get score updates. Obviously, I should have been watching the 4th quarter instead of just the last 37 seconds. Today I feel better and will be running much needed buying food!
Homecoming (revised)
So the entry I posted last night (and deleted this morning) was all in anger, and shouldn't be posted online. For those that didn't read it, I didn't have the best homecoming courtesy of my cat. Her behaviors are getting out of hand even if all of them are not her fault. Tonight I was too tired to take her to the Feline Foundation like I had plotted last night. Instead, I went to Petco on my way home from allergy shots and x-rays. I bought her this....

"It has been shown essences....when added to your pet's drinking water...balance the emotions of pets with behavioral problems..."
"...1 teaspoon twice daily in pets' drinking water....When pet seems happy and content GOOD CAT is not longer needed..."
I've justified 'drugging' her by rationalizing that it's like St. John's Wort for cats. Her reaction so far is a licking marathon to her chops after taking a drink of water. She came out of the kitchen, as I was getting ready to type Alan a fairly long email (about a page long), licking her chops. When I finished the email she was still licking her chops. I'll keep you posted.
Wrapping it up!
Jon's 21st birthday was pretty uneventful. We went to his favorite wings place and he had a couple of beers. I had my first alcoholic drink since the Chris Plays Guitar show. Jon and I did a buttery nipple shot...very safe drink. After wings and football, the group ventured over to Friendly's for ice cream. Night ended fairly early.
Next night was the wedding. The ceremony was beautiful. Stephie and Justin got married at her parent's house in front of the pond under a gazebo of sorts. Not really a gazebo, but don't know what else to call it. There were flowers everywhere. Megan was a very studious flower girl. Too cute. The weather one of the few sunny days since I've been here. It was humid, but warm. The reception was at a German restaurant/dining hall. We had wienerschnitzel, German noodles, German was fantastic. The reception was a blast. Open bar, so all the bridal party was trashed. 3 bridesmaids on the floor, 3 on the tables. Groomsmen dropping their pants and splitting their pants. I drank my fair share of wine. It was very good, sweet, white German wine. I took a picture of the label with my phone since it was in German. Hoping to search online for it when I get back to cable internet. I had a chance to catch up with Sherri and April. That was great. Hoping to take Alan to Chicago in April to visit Sherri and go to Second City.
Today I went to Tiffin to see old co-workers and Jenn. Kim doesn't work there anymore and I really don't know how to get ahold of her. The email and phone numbers I have for her are old. Kim if you read this post a comment or email me please. I would love to catch up. Jenn, Olivia (Jenn's daughter), and I went to Bob Evans for dinner, the mall to shop, and then to Denny's for ice cream. It was a good visit.
Tomorrow I head to Ypsi to spend time with Courtney and her family. My parents are taking me up there and leaving me there. Courtney takes me to the airport on Wednesday. I won't be online after tomorrow morning until I get to Fresno. I didn't get to see Staci, Adam, and Austin. That makes me sad because they were on my list of people I wanted to see most. It didn't work out for many reasons. I hope to see them when Alan and I go to Chicago. It's tough coming back when everyone has work and the responsibilities of their lives. I didn't get to see Runyon time!
On a brighter note! My downstairs neighbor moved out! I get to go home to a huge weight off my back. Let's hope the next person doesn't expect me to tip toe around them! But until then, I can live with so much less pressure. YAY!!
Damn skunks! They stink!
So I'm in Ohio right now. So far I've went out to eat with family and family friends, played lots of games, read an almost 600 page book, bought 2 more books, talked to friends, and made plans to see more friends. It's freaking cold here! I haven't taken my hoodie off since I've got here. Each day they say it will warm up and it hasn't. It's been a relaxing week except one period of 24 hours. Tomorrow is hanging with the folks and taking Jon out for his 21st birthday.
Now I'm at the computer and see that Pluto's name was ripped away and replaced with a number. What's the big deal if it has a name? Poor Pluto. Right after I read that (and by right after, I mean 10 minutes of waiting for dial-up to bring up my next site) an incredibly strong skunk smell takes over the room and my eyes are burning and I now have a headache. Isn't the country grand?!?!
Long time no post....
Sorry for being MIA (although I doubt too many people check this daily). It's been an interesting few weeks. I threw out my back twice in one week recently, so I've been pretty depressed and moody from pain. I also have been doing some hard core hibernating. Last weekend I went to LA and spent a good portion of the weekend on the couch feeling frustrated that Alan was taking care of me. Not that I don't appreciate it, but I hate feeling helpless. It would have been different if I was sick and didn't want to get up and do stuff. My back is better, but I still have a kink on the left side. My doctor is arranging a neuro consult for when I get back from Ohio. Speaking of which...for those not in the know, I am leaving for Ohio tomorrrow early early early. Am I packed? No. Have I even started to pack? No. Yeah I'll get to it. I needed some rest time after work and running errands. What else is new? Alan leaves for London on the 16th. I'm insanely jealous. If you read this, and I haven't emailed you or contacted you (I'm sorry send me your email address!), and you want to get together....let me know. Hey California people! Wanna go camping or hiking the weekend I get back? Hit me up! Tata for now.