Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Am I done yet??
I'm tired today. Despite getting to sleep in almost an extra hour and only spending 2 hours in the sun rather than 7 or 8, I feel like I've been hit by a truck. I can't concentrate to study and I feel like if I try I will just fall asleep. But I have to find a way to will myself. There are a couple articles that I have to read by tomorrow. Tomorrow we may begin bus travel. Next week we will be traveling blind folded in downtown LA. We will be taking buses and metro trains blindfolded. I already can't wait to come home and shower. Enough procrastinating. If I get this stuff done now, I get to go to bed early.Sunday, July 22, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Our day
Today Alan and I scrapped the hiking idea to go to the Griffith Observatory. It was pretty cool. No pics though. We forgot the camara. We were distracted by a call to buy the car. The building is beautiful. We weren't able to stay as long as we liked because Alan thought he had class, but we plan to go back. On the bus ride to and from the observatory we scoped out a site to go hiking tomorrow. After getting back to Hollywood we ran errands. I have shoes for Carrie and Jason's wedding now. Hopefully I'll get that altered this week. That's pretty much it. Just been studying and occasionally watching Alan do improv. He's out trying to make a deal with a guy right now. Keep your fingers crossed that we can get rid of the nightmare of a car.Friday, July 20, 2007
Cedar Point
Anyone that will be in Ohio the same time I will be (August 21-29) is invited to go to Cedar Point. I'd like to take Alan. I can order a 4-pack of tickets online for $130 (saves almost $10 a ticket) unless someone can save us a Pepsi can or something. Just hit me up if you or someone you know is interested.Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I was inputting an observation appointment for next week in my phone, and saw I had something in my calendar for Friday. I looked it up and realized I was supposed to go for a long weekend backpacking this weekend. I had decided weeks ago that it isn't feasible to go, and after a period of grieving over that decision, I pushed it out of my mind. But there it was, reminding me that I'm missing out on something I love. It made me jealous that Team Nayked will go backpacking or camping without me. I love the upper Sierras and miss them terribly. I miss waterfalls. I miss bright blue sky, crystal clear water, and the majesty of the mountains. I miss the peacefulness and beauty. It'll probably be a long time before I enjoy them again. I love school and the challenges that come with it, but I miss the mountains. I also know I may never live near the mountains again. All I have to look forward to are a few short trips every once in a blue moon. Don't get me wrong, I look forward to my new experiences in the city and with Alan, but letting go of what was a big part of my life is hard. My life is evolving into a new chapter full of different kinds of adventures. So now I'm going to work on my study guide for my exam tomorrow night, and forget about the mountains.Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Congrats to Staci and Adam on the arrival of Madisyn Marie today at 1:09 PM PST. She's a healthy 8 lbs and 21 inches. It was an easy delivery without much work. Can't wait to meet her next month!
Monday, July 16, 2007
The baby's a comin'!!!
Staci is being induced tomorrow morning at 6 AM her time. I forget if that is 3 or 4 AM here. Baby Maddie should be making her way into world sometime tomorrow!My alum is awesome!!!
YPSILANTI, Michigan (AP) -- The president of Eastern Michigan University was fired months after top university officials were accused of covering up the rape and slaying of a student by publicly ruling out foul play.John Fallon, shown in a 2005 photo, was dismissed as president of Eastern Michigan University on Sunday.
The president, John Fallon, confirmed that he was fired Sunday evening by a unanimous vote of the Board of Regents, The Ann Arbor News reported in its Monday editions. Board secretary Jackie Kurtz on Monday confirmed the firing to The Associated Press.
Fallon told the newspaper that his termination letter was delivered Sunday night and did not state a reason for his firing. The letter said the board had voted unanimously to terminate his employment contract effective Sunday -- two years after his five-year contract took effect.
"As a citizen, I am disappointed in this hastily called meeting, without any opportunity to be present or to respond," Fallon told the newspaper. "I have a story to tell and intend to tell it."
University spokeswoman Pamela Young said she couldn't discuss Fallon until after a board meeting planned for Monday afternoon.
The president's dismissal follows an independent law firm investigation and U.S. Department of Education report, both of which found that the 23,500-student public university violated the federal Clery Act, which requires colleges and universities to disclose campus security information.
The body of the slain student, Laura Dickinson, 22, was discovered December 15 in her dorm room. At the time, university officials told her parents and the media that she died of asphyxiation but that there was no sign of foul play, despite evidence to the contrary.
It wasn't until another Eastern student was arrested in late February and charged with murder that her family and fellow students learned she had been raped and killed.
The accused student, Orange Taylor III, of Southfield, has pleaded not guilty to murder and criminal sexual conduct charges in Dickinson's death. He is scheduled for trial October 15.
Many in the university's administration were accused of covering up the truth and endangering students to protect the school's image, which has been marred in recent years by tensions with faculty, students and the community.
The board was expected to meet later Monday to discuss the case. Still undetermined was the status of Vice President of Student Affairs Jim Vick and Public Safety Director Cindy Hall.
Howard Bunsis, president of the faculty union, said Monday that everyone involved in covering up information about Dickinson's slaying should no longer be working for the university.
"It's now time for the university to move forward," Bunsis said. "When I say move forward, I mean put a total focus on what happens in the classroom between students and faculty. We've had a difficult time."
Fallon's secretary did not know Monday morning how Fallon could be reached for further comment. Fallon told the Ann Arbor News that the termination letter indicated his office had been secured and arrangements would be made for him to retrieve his personal items.
Messages left by The AP at a telephone listing for the official president's residence at Eastern Michigan and by e-mail were not immediately returned.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Happy Birthday to me!!!
Bryan and Sarah are coming to town today, the Jamros's tomorrow, and maybe gonna see Pat! Yay!!Thursday, July 05, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
Look what I did in school today!
Today we learned about orientation aids. This is a tactile map. The orange represents city blocks, the black area wih the dotted line and cars is a road, and the ladder looking this with the train is railroad tracks. This is all a raised surface for a person with blindness or low vision can use to 'see' how a neighborhood is arranged. Not the best one in the world, but it's a start.
Also today, we started residential travel. We learned how to travel up and down a sidewalk without going in the grass and identifying when you are at the end of a sidewalk. Tomorrow we learn how to walk around the block. We may introduce street crossing. Yikes!