So I got my student loan money! Yay! Wrong....I took it to the bank about 8:00 last night and deposited it in the ATM. The ATM locked up while processing my transaction and ate my card and my check. Bastards!! Called B of A while standing at the ATM. Since it was a Saturday night, not a lot they can do. They blocked my card so that if the ATM unstuck no one could continue a transaction. His recommendation was go on Monday and get my card back from the bank. If my check doesn't clear by Tuesday, file a claim. So I had money for 24 hours. Now my money is in virtual limbo. I'm hoping that when I go tomorrow afternoon to get my card they can tell me where my money is. Hopefully the bank people are smart and can figure it all out. I spit on you ATM!
OK, that REALLY sucks.
p.s. you need a new countdown
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