Monday, September 26, 2005

Who put that there?

So here's a funny story. Right after posting the post below this one, I got ready to go to the gym. I've taken the last week off to recoop from Mt. Whitney and out of pure laziness. Yesterday, I did a very thorough cleaning of my apartment. Apparently, I got some Pledge on the floor because I stepped on it and fell on my left side on the floor. I now have a skinned knee that began bruising instantly, a skinned elbow, and a split lip. It appears that your lip doesn't withstand your full weight coming down on your front tooth. Fortunately, I did not break my tooth, but I do believe I pushed it back a bit. It is also sore. I am contimplating whether I should go get stitches. I think it should get at least one or two, but it could heal on it's own. So none the less, no gym tonight. I'm going grocery shopping instead with my fat, split lip.


At 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

put some superglue on it!

At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no superglue use that new liquid band-aid it works great

At 7:16 PM, Blogger amanda said...

my lip is better today. but my knee is pretty darn stiff and swollen. my patients laughed at me today. hard to tell someone he/she can't go home because i'm afraid they'll fall when i'm speaking to them with a fat lip. there's a reason my name isn't grace.


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