Thursday, May 17, 2007

Moving In Part Quatre

While Alan was in class last night I worked on putting hooks up for the coffee cups and scraping paint off the glass doors of the glassware cabinet. It's not perfect, but I'll live with it until I finish that to put off a more unpleasant project.

Today I worked on the bedroom because it wasn't getting cleaned fast enough. After over 1/2 a bag of trash, entire clothes hamper of dirty clothes (mind you we did 3 loads of the 5-load washer at the laundromat just 2 days ago), and a box of random stuff Alan needs to go through, I was ready to vacuum...twice. I also vacuumed as much of the apartment as I could today, moving furniture and boxes as I was able due to space/size/weight. Tonight we get to take the futon and murphy bed frame out to the curb! So hopefully the bed can go in the closet. Also on my agenda is getting the old computer desk taken apart so I can clean under there and move more stuff from the middle of the room to the sides of the room. Yay! Maybe by Tuesday next week we'll be done!


At 8:35 PM, Blogger fuzzyelf said...

just don't start counting things while you clean and you'll be ok *she said, with a twitch in her eye*


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