Friday, June 01, 2007

Day 2

So today was an interesting day. I get to work and am scheduled to work 460 out of a 450 day with no overtime approval. Funtimes!! As lunch nears I see that it is impossible for this to occur. During my treatment of my first patient after lunch, I hear that one of that part time OT's that is scheduled for 4 hours isn't coming in. Apparently her license expired yesterday and the CBOT website has not listed her as renewed yet. I'm asked if I want to work overtime. Saved! So I run a group with one of my newly aquired patients and do 595 in a 600 day. Woohoo. Damn I'm tired. So I had some really awesome stroke patients today. And for those PG think you don't have good rehab patients? I treated a guy for an hour in a coma and a ventilator. Dear God I wanted to kill myself.


At 9:45 PM, Blogger fuzzyelf said...


At 10:00 AM, Blogger sonicfrog said...

WOW! Sounds like a challenge! Congrats on getting settled in.


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