Friday, March 09, 2007

I love you! LOVE YOU! But I gotta go put on a mask and film a fetish film...

Today was one of the easier and less stressful days at work. Not sure how. Maybe because I didn't feel so crappy, or because I was prepared for the worst and tried to plan ahead as much as possible. Either way, it all worked out. Monday morning is my next shot so I can't work on Monday. I'm going to work Sunday instead. Feeling very antisocial this week so I think I'm going to try to avoid folks this weekend. Don't be offended anyone, I just need a break. Need time to myself. I think tonight I'm going to work on some continuing education and go to bed early. Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful, so I may head up to the mountains. Thinking about some hiking at Lewis Creek. I have only been there once and didn't get to see much. It's a fairly easy hike. Thought I'd take a book and some food and spend a day in solitude. Sunday I'm going to bust tail and get as much work done as possible to make life easier for the OT's on Monday. Not particularly thrilled to work Sunday, but I can't complain really. I haven't had to work a weekend to make up a weekday in months. I was just kind of looking forward to a long weekend. Nothing else really going on with me. Just enjoying some solitude. Maybe Monday afternoon I'll do some packing. There is plenty of stuff in the closet. I was going to have a yard sale before I left Fresno, but now I'm leaning toward when I get to LA. That way I don't have to go through stuff I haven't unpacked from Ohio. Figure it all out there. I know a lot of my knick knacks will go. Alan and I won't have room for that stuff. Living in LA will force me to downsize. That's good. I don't need unnecessary clutter. Just more stuff to clean around. I do have some ideas to decorate the apartment (since Alan hasn't done so much). Well that's my random post. Time to learn Spanish for the OT.


At 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh, I'm wondering if anyone will ask you about the title for this post. I have a weird job...



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