Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry belated-Christmas

Sorry for the MIA, but I have been so busy that my head is spinning. I am currently crashing even though my house is a mess and I need to do laundry. Here's what I've been up to:

Wednesday- Aimee came over and wrapped the presents from my parents. We drank wine, ate pizza, and talked until after my bedtime.

Thursday- After work I went and got my allergy shot before having 'Xmas Eve' dinner and Will and Carrie's. We were out late again.

Friday- Went to work and we were short staffed. People had called in sick and had to go home early. After work, Alan and I ran up to the north side for my MRI then to Jeanine's to get table, chairs, and tablecloths for Xmas. After running home to drop that off we went to dinner. We crashed early.

Saturday- Got up early-ish, clean house, grocery shop, go to Lucas' birthday party, go to dinner for Alan's brother's bday, go to movie with the group.

Sunday- Up at 6 and at work before 7. Work until 9:30, shop for flowers, cook til 2. Took a nap, opened presents from the family, call the family, run to Jack-n-the-Box before meeting up with the Santa Run (go with Santa to hand out gifts to kids). After that we drove through Xmas tree lane until 11:30.

Monday- Get up at 8 and finish cooking. Lynda and Eric arrive at noon, everyone else about 3:30. Entertain and feed self and others til after 10.

Today- Up at 5:45. To exhausted to care that 1/2 of our staff isn't at work today. Doze during physical therapy after work. I need to get up.....


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