Wednesday, June 07, 2006

'Well everybody's heard about the bird/Bird bird bird/Bird is the word'

This evening I was loading my truck with dirty laundry, and there was a 1/2 grown dove sitting on the cab. I put several loads in the truck, and not once did the bird flinch. I couldn't decide of the best way to handle the situation. I didn't want to just drive away or touch it. So, being the indecisive person I am when it comes to small tasks, I walk across the street for some advice from Sarah. Sarah comes out with me and we scope out the situation. Since she didn't know what to do either, we called on my apartment manager (that happens to live below me and to the left). He and his daughter come out, and we discuss it some more. Finally, Sarah tries to spook it, and it flies away. We're all thinking 'ok, problem solved.' Then the bird flies into the clutches of Sarah and Bryan's cat Jozi. Jozi snatches the bird and runs into the house closely followed by Spaz. Sarah runs across the street yelling at Jozi. I follow thinking the bird is dead and go to help her remove it. However, the bird is still alive and looks injured. So I call Alan for advice, and Sarah jumps on the computer to figure out what to do. (Funny how we do that nowadays.) We decide to take the bird to the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). Sarah goes outside for a box and I put on some latex gloves. I go over to the bird, and just as I touch it, it takes off and is now flying in the house. It scares the crap out of me, so of course I scream. The bird lands under the heater. I am more prepared this time, and go pick it up. I take the bird out back, and Sarah and I release it into the backyard of her neighbor. Hopefully it won't cross Jozi's path again. All and all an interesting evening.


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