Monday, May 16, 2005

My non traditional family

Most people know by now I've been bouncing around the idea of adopting a baby with Downs Syndrome for several years. At the conference this past weekend, I went to a OT role in International adoption lecture. About 10 minutes into the program my heart was breaking, and it hit me just how bad I want to adopt a baby that isn't fortunate enough to have parents willing or able to care for them. I applied for an information packet tonight for domestic and international adoption, as well as the home study kit needed to begin the adoption process. My plan as of now is to adopt internationally first, then adopt a child with Downs domestically a couple years later. I understand that it is going to be difficult being single to raise one or two babies with disabilities. However, women with a lot less resources and opportunities as I do it everyday. I would like to adopt at 30, when I have a bit more savings and hopefully am tired of moving around. I'm already considering moving to a location after Fresno that offers HeadStart and before and after school programs since I will be working full time. Unfortunately for those that hope I may move back to Ohio soon, California offers maternity leave for adopting parents, whereas most states don't. Therefore, don't expect me moving back in the Midwest anytime soon. This is very exciting for me and I hope everyone feels the same way.


At 2:15 AM, Blogger rimalicious said...

wow, congrats, we all need to get together soon so i can updtae you on Jeff's situation ...


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